Thursday, June 28, 2012

My why.....

This isn't about a number on the scale. It isn't about being "skinny". I am not trying to impress people, and I am certainly not trying to make my husband love me more. Thankfully, my husband loves me no matter what size I am, and I am content in that love.

This isn't about a competition and then I just go back to the way I ate before, as if I did it for nothing.

No, this is because I want to get healthy for ME!! For sure, this will add to my family's life the ability to do a lot more things together, BUT it's still for me nonetheless. I have faced the fact that I am MORBIDLY OBESE. Those words both disgust and frighten me. How can that be? And how did I let it get so bad?

This is about putting my fleshly desires below my spiritual needs. I am in CONTROL of what I put in my mouth; not emotions, setbacks, disappointments, joy, stress, or any of the things that have contributed to my unhealthy mindless eating. This is about TAKING CHARGE of my own health, and my needs. This is about TAKING CARE of ME!

As a mom of 5 kids, taking care of me tends to take a back seat to the daily demands of raising a family. Not only do I have 5 kids, but I have chosen to homeschool them. That takes up a good portion of my time, planning, and teaching. I wouldn't have it any other way, BUT it is demanding and it has caused me at times to keep pushing me down on the list of "To do's". It's time to take that back! No more putting me down on the list. If I am not healthy, then no one in my family is truly taken care of.

This isn't about pushing a business agenda. Though I am an Independent Beachbody Coach. I do love Beachbody and the business I have started, but really this is about me pushing myself.... and winning the battle over obesity. I can't wait until I can say I have conquered this battle and won the war!

I invite you to join me on this journey!



  1. I am very happy to read this! Proud and inspired. I have a smaller amount of weight to lose, but it is enough that I am overweight, crazy out of shape, and pretty ashamed of my body. I haven't had the discipline to follow through with any major activity to lose the weight. I have the motivation - I know why I should do it and I want to. But I hate working out. And I love sugar. And that's a bad combination. I am really excited to watch you on this journey :) Maybe your success can help nudge me out of my selfishness.

    1. Thanks Lisa! :) I know you can do it! When I am done with the book I am reading, I am more then willing to loan it to you. It is really helping me along in changing my thinking. I am not done yet though.

  2. Thank you Anna, I would love that :)
